I have a string of emails seperated by semi colon as shown below.
string UserInputEmails = "aa@xyz.com;cc@abc.com;bb@abc.com;dd@abc.com";
Write a c# program, that lists the total number of emails by domain. The program should give the following output.
Domain = xyz.com & Count = 1
Domain = abc.com & Count = 3
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace SamplePrograms
class CountEmailsByDomain
public static void Main()
// User List of emails seperated by semi colon. You can have as many
// number of emails you want in this string.
string UserInputEmails = "aa@xyz.com;cc@abc.com;bb@abc.com;dd@abc.com";
// Split the string into a string array.
string[] UserEmails = UserInputEmails.Split(';');
// Select only the domain part of the emails into a string array, using substring() function
string[] EmailsDomain = UserEmails.Select(x => x.Substring(x.LastIndexOf("@") + 1)).ToArray();
// Group the emails by email domain, and select the Domain and respective count
var Result = EmailsDomain.GroupBy(x => x).Select(y => new { Domain = y.Key, Count = y.Count() });
// Finally print the domain name and the emails count
foreach (var obj in Result)
Console.WriteLine("Domain = {0} & Count = {1}",obj.Domain, obj.Count);
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